3 Ways to Unite Your Team

Getting a team to work well together is one of the most important things for any organization who wants to excel and become as great as they can be. As any savvy business owner, CEO, or church leader knows the key to a successful organization lies in the strength of the leadership team. Even more,... Continue Reading →

Leadership Value # 7 – Patience

Think back to the last time that you had to wait in a long line at the drive-thru to get your coffee or the last time that you were stuck on the highway in stop-and-go traffic.  What thoughts were going through your mind?  Were you saying to yourself, "This is wonderful.  I am enjoying myself... Continue Reading →

Trust at a Whole New Level

When I was 21 years old I made the most difficult decision of my life. As a young person I had a dream of being in law enforcement.  I used to pretend to be a police officer roaming the streets, protecting the innocent, righting wrongs, and fighting evil at every turn.  I was a senior... Continue Reading →

Preparation Outside the Camp

There is an intriguing phenomenon that I have observed when it comes to how God sometimes prepares leaders. In a nutshell, the phenomenon happens when someone is removed from a place of work or a position, placed in a different place of work or a different position, and brought back to the original place of work later. I call... Continue Reading →

The Trial of Waiting

There he sat doing the same monotonous thing that he had been doing for the past five years.  Was anything ever going to change?  His life was a predictable pattern of carrying out the same tasks day in and day out, year after year.  Every day from morning until night the sheep had to be fed,... Continue Reading →

The Test of Faithfulness

In a world of quick changes, unlimited opportunities, and shorter commitments the quality of faithfulness is in danger of eluding this generation. In his book The Making of a Leader, Dr. J. Robert Clinton discusses the phases of leadership that God uses to shape a leader.  One of the phases involves faithfulness.  Clinton writes, "Faithfulness is the... Continue Reading →

5 Qualities for Advancing in Leadership

I want to ask you a thought provoking question. If you were going to promote someone to a higher level of leadership responsibility what are some qualities that you would look for? What are the first things that come to your mind?  Are they qualities related to character and integrity?  Work ethic?  Perhaps relational E.Q.? It is important... Continue Reading →

Leadership Value # 6 – Integrity

Integrity is the foundation for godly leadership, and there is no leadership quality that is more important. Tim Elmore gives a great visual of the concept of integrity in his book Habitudes.  He describes integrity like an iceberg.  The part of an iceberg that is seen above the surface of the water is very small compared to... Continue Reading →

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